Office Accessories

The office is the room in our house that feels the least completed.  I cannot wait to get it to the place where I can start adding a mix of classic, fun and colorful accessories like these.


School House Electric 1960’s IBM Standard Issue Clock, $235 *

* = wish list item

Crafted by Lindy Personalized Stationary Set, $12.50

One of many sets I have.  You know me, I have a thing for paper.

Ferm Living Neon Pink Pin Board, EUR $50

Present & Correct From the Desk of…Rubber Stamps, $12.50

Ferm Living Yellow Letter Tray, EUR $30

Present and Correct Button Push Pins, £14.00


Spotted horse note card set. $10.

Soon enough IBM clock.  Soon enough I will have the perfect place for you.

Tote it Around

As I have mentioned here, I carry a Hudson Bay tote bag as my purse.  It’s the perfect size to hold anything I may be carrying around with me.  Yoga mat? Yep, it fits.  Potting soil?  Check.  Bouquet of flowers?  Easy.  I’ve spotted some super cute totes that have me considering an update.  Hello hand dyed hot pink with the leather strap.  Don’t worry Hudson Bay Bag, you’re a classy gal.  I’ll be back.

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This past weekend had an its-been-a-while-since-I’ve-seen-you theme to it.  First, I re-watched one of my favorite sports movies, Breaking Away.  It was filmed at my alma mater, Indiana University, and focuses on a group of friends finding themselves and competing in an annual bike race called The Little 500.  This weekend was the Little 5 in Bloomington so it felt appropriate to watch it and introduce some bike loving friends to a classic sports film.  The trailer is awful (so 1979) so here is a scene.  Two characters not in this scene are a lanky and hilarious Daniel Stern and an abs of steel Dennis Quaid.  It was Daniel Sterns first movie!

Next, on Saturday while reading a book about 20th century architecture and design I came across Gerrit Rietveld’s Schroder House.

Rietveld Schröderhuis (Maison Schröder de Rietveld)

The house looked so familiar but I couldn’t place it.  I kept reading.  It is in Utrchet, Netherlands and is one of the most famous examples of the De Stijl style of design.  Then it hit me.  The summer after high school while traveling in Europe I biked past this house!  I was with my friend and her sister, then a second year architecture student, who told us about this influential home.  Silly story to share but it made me really happy that I had seen such an important architectural gem in person!

Also revisited this weekend:

Goldfish snacks!  So good!  Why do I not always eat you?!?

Nirvana Unplugged in New York.  We listened to this in the car all weekend long.  More specifically we listened to this song over and over and over again…beautiful and raw.


Late afternoon naps.  I never nap and after a late night Saturday and a super active Sunday morning, I plopped down in my sunny bedroom and took a 45 minute nap.  Amazing.

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Bash / Movie Night

Kinda wanna go here.  And start using real words again. Yao Noi, Thailand.

Last summer I helped my friend throw a movie night in her back yard.  This year, for the first time I have a yard!  Here are some ideas for this years movie party.

The setting:

The invitation:

Making it comfy and fun:

Wine glass charms!

The Concessions Stand:

Food and Drink Ideas:

Fun Decor:

The Party Favors:

All images via pinterest


I watched an incredible movie last night called Tiny Furniture.  I heard an interview with the writer/director/star, Lena Dunham on NPR’s Fresh Air last year, loved the interview, vowed to see the film and then forgot about it.  It was graciously welcomed back to my head because Lena has a new HBO show called Girls that started this past Sunday night.  You may have heard about it here or here.  I watched that right after the film because I wanted more of her voice.  Not the sound but her honest, witty, real-world, struggling 20-something perspective.  There is this quote in the New York Magazine article – “It’s a show about life lived as a rough draft—something well intentioned, possibly promising, but definitely begging for cruel critiques…”  I have lived like that.  Sometimes I think I still am living like that, as a rough draft.  Friends and Sex and the City spoke to a generation of women but in an intangible, unrealistic way.  The girls in Girls are living a life far more similar to the lives women today – struggling, not perfect, trying to figure it out.

Here’s the trailer for Tiny Furniture.  I looked up Girls on YouTube and was able to watch the first episode.

Here is the trailer for Girls.  Are you going to tune in?

Paper / Sugarboo Designs

While ducking out of the rain yesterday I popped into one of my favorite new shops in Downtown Victoria, Nest & Cradle.  It’s one of those shops that women love and men don’t understand until the women in their lives explain it to them.  Then, said men go there to get gifts for all their women.  Anyways, right when I walked in I went straight for a tin of postcards.  They are these amazing designs from a husband and wife team in Rosewell, Georgia called Sugarboo Designs.  Check out these delightful postcards.  I picked up a few to send to my lovely man!  They also have frames, art and pillows.  Cheers to you Sugarboo!

It is hard for me to choose my favorites!  If you have time take a look at their beautiful catalogue.

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